What to Do When an Earthquake Warning Goes Off

California began using an earthquake warning system this summer that notifies citizens of seismic shifts coming to their area. In theory, that should give you a little time to prepare for the earth moving. Here’s what to do with those extra seconds.

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And it may be only a matter of seconds, according to the L.A. Times. The speed with which people receive that phone buzz relates to how close they are to the quake’s epicenter. However, that could make all the difference, since you have a little time to get out of the way of potential falling objects, for instance. This is what you should do:

While Driving
Pull over! That might be easy, but it’s also advised that you avoid bridges, overpasses, signs, and power lines. That’s a taller order out on the highway, and maybe something to think about on your daily commute. Where would you pull over? Once you’ve stopped, set your parking brake and wait until the shaking stops.

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While Walking Around
This is also an issue of finding a spot to stand away from things like power lines, walls, buildings, or other things that could drop on top of you. Remember, falling debris could also come from the side. The more open space there is around you, the better. Drop to the ground, cover your head, and hold on.

While In Bed
Unless you’re under a skylight or something else likely to break on top of you, stay in your bed. Turn on your stomach and cover your head and neck with a pillow for protection from falling ceiling pieces.

While At The Beach
The danger on a beach is a possible tsunami. Don’t take a chance just because there’s been no warning—get out of there. After the quake ends, walk inland or to high ground immediately. California offers tsunami maps to show which beaches are vulnerable to the big waves. If you can’t get away, go into a concrete or steel-frame building. A tsunami can easily wipe out a wood-frame house.

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While At The Theater
If you’re at The Greek, for instance, you will want to get down in front of your seat and cover your head and neck. Be careful while exiting after the quake, as debris could still fall from above.

While Out With Kids
If you’re holding an infant, press them against your chest, drop to the ground and cover them with your body like a cage. With mobile kids, the best position to take is on the ground on all fours, because that protects most of your vital organs. instruct them to drop down and take cover, if it’s available. If not, and you’re inside, a corner of the room away from exterior walls and windows is the best place to hunker down.

Do Not Run, Do Not Stand In A Doorway
A lot of people get hurt while running during an earthquake. The warning system will hopefully give people a moment to do their running, but once the shaking starts, you should stop. Even if you make it to an exit, there’s often a lot of debris around doorways. Old adobe houses that are unreinforced are safest in the doorway, but that’s about it for most structures. In fact, standing in a doorway can be more dangerous, because that door will slam right on you during the quake. It’s time to put that common misconception about earthquake safety to bed.

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Source from https://formybass.wordpress.com/2018/10/12/what-to-do-when-an-earthquake-warning-goes-off/


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